Monday, August 25, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Working Girl

The Pitch: Let's make a girl version of The Secret of My Success.

What Took Me So Long: Baby Boom left a really bad taste in my mouth and this looked like the same kind of pseudo-empowerment dribble.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) I like Harrison Ford even if his isn't an action hero in this. Sigourney Weaver plays the role of the villain well. There's a surprisingly strong supporting cast too from Alec Baldwin to Joan Cusack to Oliver Platt to Kevin Spacey. Honestly, for 1988, it found a lot of actors with staying power in or around Hollywood (I say around because all of those actors are on TV shows right now).

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I found Melanie Griffith, or at least her character very annoying. It was like watching Pygmalion but without Hesse doing any of the heavy lifting and it got old pretty quick. Also, maybe I missed something in the plot but did Weaver's character really do anything so wrong? It's not like she put Griffith's idea into effect yet. And that was only one thing. I don't think they initially painted that character enough as a villain. She's not a nice person, but that doesn't make a villain outright, especially in the days of yuppies. As a reaction to Gordon Gekko, she was fairly toothless.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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