Thursday, August 14, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Bee Movie

The Pitch: I wonder what it would bee like is bees could talk.

What Took Me So Long: Considering it was constantly being plugged in the Seifeldvision episode of 30 Rock, I don't know what my delay was.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Jerry Seinfeld doesn't do a lot of movies or anything these days, so it's interesting to see a project he was so into. I remember him marketing hard for this and it's worth figuring out why. It is a clever movie, at times trying to be a little too clever. Like any of these high concept animated movies, the world is one best not to be examined to closely. Most of the bees were thin caricatures of the actors lending them their voice which I liked. It was like winking to the ridiculousness.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I'm still trying to figure out why Seinfeld went to bat for this like he did. It wasn't as smart as it thought it was and a lot of the comparisons to the human world fell apart quickly. My biggest point of contention has to be that I don't understand why the bees stop working after they win the lawsuit against the humans? Ok, they get their honey back from people. And? It's either that bees were smart enough to understand the need for their work before the discovery or they aren't smart enough to realize the pointlessness of it after they win the suit. I don't understand how they have it both ways.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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