Friday, August 15, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Indie Game: The Movie

The Pitch: You ever wondered how that little game you bought online for a dollar was made?

What Took Me So Long: Frankly, the title sounds lame.

Why I Saw It: Ok, the title makes it sound a little lame, but it's also what intrigued me to watch it. The movie is very informative of this hidden world of game making and if there's one thing a documentary should be, it's informative. It's very interesting to see how these game developers survive in the market against the major game studios.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: At times, it definitely feels like the editing is playing up the tension a bit much, especially when dealing Fez glitching at the Penny Arcade Expo. It's not a complete game. They acted like he expected a complete game or something. That bothered me.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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