Wednesday, August 27, 2014

DVR Purge: 7/20-7/26

Oops, almost missed the week mark.

Past Purges 

The Bridge "Lamia"
Finally, everything is intersecting. The season so far has been scattered stories and they really were building toward one another. Sadly for everyone, the biggest point of connection right now is that apparently Eleanor is going to kill everyone.
Daniel and Adriana were certainly the most interesting characters for this hour. Daniel is in the middle of a coke-fueled relapse, complete with Rush and his sponsor. Two interesting things that that produces are his drug-powered research abilities. The other thing was a smaller detail is that he calls Adriana his best friend, which is either sad or sweet depending on how you look at it. Adriana's girlfriend becomes the first victim of this new round of hits. Thanks to Chekov's knitting needle, she at least takes down her attacker with her. That was pretty awesome.
Marco is stuck playing the part of the hero and couldn't be more miserable about it. He's got the tortured anti-hero thing down by now and it really is only a matter of time before he makes the decision to work against Fausto, despite his own safety and image.
Fausto is feeling the screws tighten and is starting to get very wistful. I'm not so sure how earned the scene with the fjords is considering we haven't followed him that much and there's been no signs of him having a kinder side. It was a good moment, but not particularly earned.
Sonya and Hank are working through some issues now. I assumed Dobb's brother digging up the body last week was something much darker than it turned out to be. He hasn't been using Sonya and more than she has, it turns out. The reveal of this body is going to be a sticking point with it meaning that there was potential to stop Dobbs before he killed his sister. That it brought out the truth about Hank's capture and shooting of Dobbs is all the worse. I don't know whose side I'm on. I do know that once you lose Sonya's trust, it hard to get it back.
The return of Eleanor was welcome. She disappeared or has been used in limited amounts the past couple weeks to allow the stories around her to develop. Now we have her origin story in the form of...I don't know, would you call that an allegory? And, we have her list of targets (essentially everyone). Going into the final stretch of episodes, things are about to get a lot more interesting and the cast, perhaps, getting a lot smaller.

Married "Invisible Man"
This is the kind of show that makes a story arc out of a vasectomy. In fact, that's been the biggest through line of the season so far. This week, it was all in service of giving us that painfully awkward scene of Russ having to give the sample. The fact that the room is next to the waiting room is uncomfortable. Being able to hear the dad teaching his daughter geometry is even more uncomfortable. That Russ can hear it well enough to correct him about how to find the area of a circle is clever. Lina at Goodwill having phone sex is an entertaining juxtaposition (Upon finishing: "Ok, I'll see you ate home." "We need waffles"). Russ not being able to finish on his own is kind of trite. I appreciate his neurosis about the selection ("Lesbian porn just makes me feel like a third wheel."), a more honest issue is being uncomfortable with being asked to do it on command or not getting an appropriately insulated room.
Interesting choice to have it end with Jess and whether or not she cheats on Shep.

You're the Worst "PTSD"
Where Jimmy and Gretchen go, so follows a path of destruction. At least, that's what the show wants us to believe. Or is it that we are supposed to think they are the one's who have it the most together? It's hard to say. Let's track the "destruction".
There's Megan Thomas, who should've known better than to sleep with a reporter. That's a day one PR lesson.
Coffee mustache guy could've said No to Gretchen. It's hard to feel bad about him getting fired. It's hard to believe he's being fired for a first offense.
Vernon and Becca, well they are in a bad marriage. That's their fault.
The bouncer shouldn't assume that what he had with Gretchen was anything special. I mean, they had sex in a dirty alley. Frankly, I'm shocked she gave him her phone number.
The kid from Ohio they don't bother to explain. He is obviously headed back to Ohio, but we don't know why. At least he got that random hook up with the hot girl (Lindsay) from the bar, which, by the way, makes this Linday's fault, not Gretchen and Jimmy's.
It's interesting that they don't cut to Lindsay, who is stuck in a marriage she doesn't like, or Edgar, who is simply too nice to be with the rest of these people (even when you tak into account that he's been waking up holding knives).
Finally there's Gretchen and Jimmy, who stumble into being exclusive. It's hard to say if the shared grimace at the end is a sign of things to come (probably) or simply meant to thematically fit with the rest of the episode.

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