Sunday, August 10, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Crystal Fairy

The Pitch: Michael Cera plays an American sorta-douchebag who wants to do drugs with friends. Gaby Hoffman plays a bohemian who like to get naked a lot but not in a good way.

What Took Me So Long: Considering I wasn't at Sundance in 2013, I'd say what slowed me down was distribution of the movie and overall availability.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Michael Cera goes against type in this. I've been a fan of Cera for a while and have never soured on him. I don't always like the movie he is in, but I like him and see potential for more really good stuff out of him. Largely, I'd say this is an impressive turn for him. Despite how mean he is to Hoffman's Crystal Fairy, he stays on the side of likeable to the point that I'm never angry that he is the lead. Hoffman is equally impressive in her role because it requires absolutely no shame, or more specifically, no grooming. She owns that completely and makes a character that out-there still believable.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: Ok, I say this a lot (because I'm not that smart), but I really don't get this movie. I believe the friends of Michael Cera's are the brothers behind making the movie. Be it Cera, Hoffman, or them, someone feels out of place and I think it's them. Without them, it would be an odd couple roadtrip movie so it is nice to see them there. I'd've preferred exchange the group for one or two people so that they can have more complete characters. I definitely think the movie has a point. I'm just not sure it is one that needs to go for 90 minutes, which isn't such a bad thing to say. Right now, people expect at least a 90 minute movie. Not every story is a 90 minute story though.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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