Friday, August 15, 2014

Delayed Reaction: The Lifeguard

The Pitch: We've got this really original idea for an indie movie about a women in her 20s in a state of arrested development...Wait, that's not original? Well, Kristen Bell is in this one.

What Took Me So Long: Given that I knew this one as "that movie with Kristen Bell as a Lifeguard", there wasn't a pressing need to cross it off the list.

Why I Saw It: Then again, "Kristen Bell as a lifegaurd" is a compelling enough premise.  This is one of those likable casts that aren't asked to be likable. Bell does a very good job of that because she is naturally so agreeable that you can forgive her Mary Kay Letourneau actions. Martin Starr does the dead-eyed fuckup thing well naturally. I'm not too familiar with Meryl Streep's kid Marnie Gummer so I can't say how she normally is in movies. Here she is no all that pleasant although in a completely understandable, voice of reason way.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I'm not sure I ever buy the story. We get a sense of why she moves back to Connecticut. I'm not sure that there was enough to show why it goes this extreme though. I don't really believe that she'd have the relationship with the kid. As a once or twice thing, I suppose, but as an extended affair, I just didn't see enough of a bond between them. In the end, I think this movie wanted to go in a few too many directions, make a few too many points.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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