Friday, August 8, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Baby Boom

The Pitch: Women are getting too comfortable in the workplace. Let's remind them that they still want babies.

What Took Me So Long: With a pitch like that, why wouldn't I want to see this?

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Diane Keaton is fun. I always like her and she especially has a knack for playing rigid characters who loosen up. I quite enjoy the version of her life at the beginning. There's an absurdity to how she gets the baby and there's some good antics with it.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: Ok, I could call this Doc Hollywood with a baby and go on about the questionable stance on working women. That would be easy and almost unfair because I'm sure it took some progressive stances for when it was released or whatever. Instead, I want to harp on a single joke. There's a scene. It's a scene we've all seen dozens of times. Keaton is sitting in the park, talking to all the other mothers while the babies play on the jungle gym. Then, the topic of preschools comes up. You know the rest. There's talks of waiting lists to fancy preschool and I think they even make the joke about signing up before even getting pregnant. The argument is that you need to do this if you want the child to get into an Ivy League school...How god damn old is this joke!? And, if it is this old, why are people still using it? You are telling me that between 1987 and 2010 when Modern Family made this exact joke, there has not been a single new funny thought about preschools? It kind of blows my mind, more than it should, I'm sure. And I know, I'm attacking this movie for doing it when it was probably a newish joke then when really I need to go after every uninspired comedy writer who does it now. Sorry. Rant done.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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