Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Delayed Reaction: House at the End of the Street

The Pitch: We have this generic idea for a horror movie and this talented girl in the lead. We should go ahead and make it just in case she becomes enough of a name to carry this to a theatrical release.

What Took Me So Long: I have all the love in the world for Jennifer Lawrence. I've always seen this as her Elsewhere.

Why I Saw It: Jennifer Lawrence is the only reason to see this. There is an interesting story to it. It has a twist or two. The needed elements (a lot of night scenes, a brooding loner, a violent story from way back when) are all here. I suppose if you like the scary, not very violent or gory thriller genre, there's enough here to like.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: What's troublesome about this is that despite having a talent like Lawrence or even Elisabeth Shue, who has some good performances in her past, it is completely obscured by everything else being so generic. It's one of those stories that to make it work, all natural human reactions to situations have to be ignored. I've never understood why cops investigating something are never quick to call backup, even if it's a buddy in the department. It's ridiculous.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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