Friday, August 29, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Valkyrie

The Pitch: People love fighting Nazis in movies. After this, people will be like "Schindler, who?"

What Took Me So Long: I've had my fill on Nazis for quite a while.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) It's clear that the people working on this cared about the project. I was actually surprised to see Brian Singer on board and it didn't feel like one of his movies, blockbuster budget or not. Part of me wonders if this could've still been made with Tom Cruise on directing. Possibly to a fault, the film doesn't try to over sensationalize the events.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I don't know about anyone else, but I spent the entire movie watching it as Tom Cruise with an eye-patch. I couldn't help it. It's too distracting. I'm not sure it's a role anyone could pull off without feeling like a gimmick. It was too much for him to overcome.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don' Recommend

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