Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Delayed Reaction: The Mummy Returns

The Pitch: Sure, The Mummy was good. You know what it needed though? The Rock as a giant scorpion.

What Took Me So Long: It was always my second choice of what to see for years. I was bound to see it eventually.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) I totally forgot that Rachel Weisz was in this movie which was a nice surprise. It took me a while to warm to her in general. Now that I have, she's a plus. Brendan Fraser is agreeable enough, even if I question him as an action movie lead. Freddie Boath is one of the more competent movie kids I've seen. If anything he may be too competent.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: It's amazing the way some action movies hold up differently than other. Something like the first Pirates movie is only two years newer but feels of a completely different generation. I think it has to do with the decisions for action staging. There is a scene in which they are actually chased by the sunrise.This is also too heavily reliant on CGI. Bad CGI. The Rock in Scorpion King form could not look any worse. More movies these days have figured out that there is a less is more effectiveness to stuff like that. The Mummy Returns is clearly of a Hollywood phase when they assumed anything could be fixed by throwing computers at it. Speaking of The Rock, I get that they were setting up for The Scorpion King movie. Did that mean they couldn't give him anything to do here in not computerized scorpion form? Overall, it's amazing how much of a relic this is already.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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