Sunday, January 4, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Willow

The Pitch: My name is George Lucas and I want to make a medieval Star Wars.

What Took Me So Long: This is one of those movies that many people know of that isn't particularly beloved, and there's normally a reason for that.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) This movie looks pretty good, all things considered. I always had the impression that this was a relative flop and Lucas struggled to finance it. I was unaware that Ron Howard directed this and that comes through. The cast is solid, from Warwick Davis to Val Kilmer to Joanne Whalley. I'm a little surprised that this isn't a bigger hit with kids even still, as it feels big without the stakes ever being too harrowing.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I wouldn't be any poorer a movie viewer had I not seen it. There's a lot of levity to the movie without the moments of seriousness to match. It's a great reminder of how great Star Wars was at adding stakes yet making everything around it bearable, because Willow serves as a reminder that it's a tougher balance when it's done right than it looks.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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