Monday, January 26, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Bewitched

The Pitch: An actual witch gets cast for a Bewitched remake.
How I Came Into It: This movie is a punchline and that's all it's ever been presented to me as. I was putting off seeing this for quite a while.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) You know? It wasn't so bad. I'm always a sucker for Will Ferrell and I like when Michael Caine shows up in a movie just to have a little fun. Even Nicole Kidman played the doe-eyed witch as she needed to. For something that was so widely panned, I expected it to be a lot worse. Quite frankly, I enjoyed the absurdity of a Bewitched remake accidentally hiring a real witch.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: There's plenty of moments where it's trying to be a little too cute. It does feel like a relic of a movie too, although I'm not sure when it belongs. It's a very Nora Ephron movie in all the good and bad ways. I don't care, I kind of liked it.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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