Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Trick r' Treat

The Pitch: A interconnected horror anthology about a small town on Halloween.
What Took Me So Long: I kept wanting to save it for Halloween, then it would get too hard to find for Halloween.

Why I Saw It: Horror anthology is rapidly becoming one of my favorite sub genres and this movie is a great example why. There's a nice variety of stories and none of them overstay their welcome. They are all loosely connected so that if feels of one piece without being so intricate that it's hard to follow. No one actor/actress is bigger than the rest of the movie, although there's enough familiar faces that it doesn't try to convince me that it's all real.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I need to see this again, because I'm certain that it will only be tighter the second time around. Right now, it feels imperfect in a lot of ways that could be fixed by catching more by watching again. I'd definitely call it "fun horror", not "scary horror". I didn't really know which I was watching originally.

Verdict (?): Strongly Recommend

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