Monday, August 26, 2013

Delayed Reaction: Crimson Tide

The Pitch: A Few Good Men proved that people love military jargon, so let's do that, but on a submarine.

What Took Me So Long: You're kidding me. This isn't The Hunt for Red October? This even has crimson in the title. Wow. Didn't know both of these existed.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Gene Hackman as a headstrong grump is essentially a wheelhouse that he invented so that's always fun. Denzel Washington is something between a valiant hero and pompous ass. Aragorn and Tony Soprano were way more prominent than I expected, although there was a surprising lack of orcs or snitches killed, which was odd. I get the feeling that people who find the military really interesting found this movie super tense and engaging.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: It turns out, this was all one big PSA. I mean, they bookend the movie with messages about how nuclear sub commanders had the power to fire nukes and that's a bad thing. There's two coups in this movie and ample cause for never letting Hackman or Washington step on to a submarine again. It's frustrating watching it since everything could've been avoided if anyone in command was remotely level headed.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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