Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Delayed Reaction: The A-Team

The Pitch: Do you sort of remember that show The A-Team? Me too. Let's make a movie about it. Ok, not ABOUT it, but kind of similar with the same music and characters. Call it a reimagining.

What Took Me So Long: Would you believe that I've not had the best of luck with retro TV shows made in to movies? They can't all be as good as I-Spy (I'm not joking. I am quite fond of that one).

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) FX is making it hard to not eventually watch this. I like Liam Nesson is this current badass resurgence. I can never decide whether I find Bradley Cooper sly and charming or off-putting but he is certainly not a liability here. I certainly got a sense of the power of B. A. Baracus from Rampage Jackson. I still don't know what to make of Sharlto Copley as Murdock, but I think that's the point. This is the exact movie I expected it to be. Jessica Biel can only help this movie so much.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I didn't expect a whole lot. There's a lot of this that I can tell is a nod to the TV show, but coming from someone who never watched the show, it doesn't quite work on its own. The biggest example of this has to be B. A. Baracus who spends a good amount of this saying he's not going to hurt anyone, which only works if it has been well-established what that character is normally like. Also, when he finally does get back to his bruising ways, it's not the Hulk-Smash moment it needs to be. I don't know, I was just thoroughly bored by everything this movie did.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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