Thursday, August 15, 2013

Bottom Comedy Movies of 2008

1. Meet the Spartans / Superhero Movie / Disaster Movie
What a year for these guys. One movie a year for a franchise is considered assembly line production. Three in a year means these movie are literally shat out just in time to digest another. One of these would be in contention for #1. Three is a no-brainer.

2. The Hottie and the Nottie
The  title isn't enough for you? Ok, starring Paris Hilton. Still not enough for you? Really? How about the guy who plays Jay (Jason Mews) without Silent Bob. If that isn't enough, you are hopeless.

3. The Love Guru
Mike Myers learned a very valuable lesson here. He doesn't put people in seats, he's just picked a couple good franchises. Also, like Eddie Murphy, his dressup schtick is getting old. The movie doesn't anger me like some others this end of the list do. Still not good though.

4. Be Kind, Rewind
Ever have one of those movies that stops being a movie and turns into a guy with a script with no direction that keeps being shot until they run out of film? It isn't a long movie, but it is so lackadaisical that I lost interest several times. Not greatly funny. Not at all passable dramatically to make up for the lack of laughs either.

5. W.
We get it. Bush sucks. My god. We get it! Shut the fuck up about it.


Tyler Perry's Meet the Browns
I can't go without mentioning a Tyler Perry entry, even if it isn't worth mentioning.

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
Oh god! Hipsters! They are being all Hipster-y. The band they are tracking down is so indie they don't even tell where they are doing shows. How anti-establishment! But really. Kat Dennings and Michael Cera (two actors I quite enjoy) weren't enough to save this from trying to be totally hip.

Mad Money
At what point did this ever sound like a great idea for a movie. It would be not worth mentioning if not for the fact that this is what Katie Holmes turned down The Dark Knight for.


Sex and the City
I haven't seen it, so I can't judge, but I do have a theory about which side of the list this would end up on.

Drillbit Taylor
By all estimations, this looks like Superbad for kids. I like Superbad. I'm not so sure I'll like this.

Ghost Town
I want to believe Ricky Gervais can put together a good movie. However, much like Chris Rock, I've stopped believing he will.

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