Saturday, September 6, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Rocky II

The Pitch: The first movie did really well. The Godfather had a really successful sequel. There's no reason Rocky can't, right?

What Took Me So Long: I wanted the context of seeing the original before moving on to this one.

Why I Saw It: Well, it has the Rocky theme still which is a great one. Stallone can box well, as can Carl Weathers. The series has mastered the training montage too.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: The other movies at least tried something a little new. This is literally the same fight as before and the loss in the first was at least interesting. It doesn't help that the only other difference in the movie is Rocky going broke because he's an idiot, which doesn't help to make me root for the protagonist.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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