Thursday, September 26, 2013

Delayed Reaction: World Trade Center

The Pitch: It's not too soon, is it? No, no...maybe a bit, but no, it's fine.

What Took Me So Long: I didn't think it would be very interesting.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) I think the actors all do a good job. This movie is far more "America, Fuck Yeah!" than anything else, which has its place. In 2006, this is the only movie about this that could be made. The production is certainly impressive and almost never crosses the line of bad taste.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: The problem with a movie like this is that it takes a while to make a story like this interesting. Real life is never like a movie, which isn't a judgment call, just a fact. Since it was made so soon after the actual events on 9/11, the movie is more concerned about honoring the actual men and women who lived and died than telling a story. Unlike the far superior United 93, this is a big Hollywood production and plays out like one. There's heroes and heart-swelling moments and as low as the lows are, it never sits on them for long enough to make people uncomfortable (so completely the opposite of United 93. Seriously, that movie will ruin your day). In 50 years, when everyone involved is either dead or so far removed by time to get up in arms (think, Pearl Harbor or Schindler's List), I think there's probably a really good version of this movie to be made. This attempt is marred by being made too soon. This could've turned out so much worse though.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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