Monday, September 9, 2013

Delayed Reaction: Knight and Day

The Pitch: What would it be like if a normal person walked into a spy movie?

What Took Me So Long: At least one friend insisted repeatedly that is was sub-par.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) I didn't believe this friend. More importantly, I was prepared for the relative quality level I was walking into and was intrigued to see how effective it was. This is a classic example of a Hollywood movie sold on the pitch, not on the screenplay. 90% or the good parts of the movie are in the first half, then it remembers it has to be more than a 2hr. SNL sketch. Due to that, I thought the first half was fun. Tom Cruise is playing a caricature of a lot of the characters he's played before. Cameron Diaz is fun too, even if I don't think this is the best kind of role for her.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: That last half really limps along. The last 20 minutes or so, especially drags. I don't think anyone actually believe Cruise's character was dead, so what's the point in killing the momentum of the whole movie? This had the same problem a lot of action comedies have which is that the people behind it only have a grasp of one of the other. In this case, I think they were way more focused on the punchlines, which caused the staging of the action to be fairly sloppy. To be fair, I don't think the movie was going through an identity crisis or anything. I just think the people behind it didn't care about the rough edges.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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