Saturday, December 12, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Thin Line Between Love and Hate

What I Guessed It Was About: Martin Lawrence loves a woman, then he hates her, then he loves her again. I'm going out on a limb here, but there's going to be some slapstick humor too.
How I Came Into It: This is starring, written by, and directed by Martin Lawrence. In short, this is probably the most Martin Lawrence-y anything will ever be and perhaps what he should be measured most significantly against. After all, if you don't like this, the thing you don't like probably points back to Martin. What's that? He's the executive producer too?

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) This is a simple movie and Lawrence doesn't overstuff it all that much. Guy gets with the wrong girl while the girl he really wants is there the whole time. Once he get together with the right girl, the wrong girl tries to kill him. I always like Regina King and she has good chemistry with Lawrence. Bobby Brown is sleazy fun too.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: Let's start with something that isn't the movie's fault. This is a 1h48m movie. I recorded it on cable and it was 3h. And it still cut off some of the end. That is ridiculous. When I say "I spent half the movie fast forwarding through commercials", that's not an exaggeration. What the hell BET?
Regarding the actual movie, I find it funny when a comedian makes himself a ladies man in a movie. Eddie Murphy does it all the time. Dane Cook took full advantage of it is Good Luck Chuck. It's damn near a trope. It's really hard for a comedian to be a straight man in a movie. Lawrence is used to ground the movie and there's not a lot of room for him the be funny-Martin. That's a misuse of him.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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