Monday, December 21, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Action Jackson

What I Guessed It Was About: Carl Weathers is a cop or something who is super cool, like a more suave Shaft. He has some case that he's working. Cool things happen.
How I Came Into It: It's the kind of movie in which the title is the joke, so there really wasn't much to wonder about. Living in a post-Arrested Development world, I know how good a sport Carl Weathers is, which meant I didn't assume that he took himself too seriously (unlike, I imagine, a Wesley Snipes).

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) For what it is, this is pretty good. Weathers is clearly enjoying himself. Craig T. Nelson isn't wasting his A-game on it. Vanity is very attractive. What more could you need?

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I don't take the time very often to explain how all this works. My Reactions (Movie or Delayed) are not reviews. The Delayed Reactions in particular are strictly whatever I take away from a movie. Sometimes it's a random thought or a comment on a decision. Other times it's me trying to understand how I hadn't seen this before. What this isn't meant to be is me praising a movie that's done well or complaining about one that I didn't like or that isn't a kind of movie I like. That's why I end this with a Netflix rating instead of something more empirical, like a letter grade. This is how I like a movie. For me, this was middling and forgettable, which means a 2 or 3 star rating. If I was to rate how well done the movie is, I'd go lower. If I was a fan of the genre, I'd go higher. To further explain my point: Notice how I entirely side-stepped taking about what didn't work in the movie.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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