Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Delayed Reaction: It Follows

The Pitch: There's a thing that follows you. If it catches you, it kills you. If you have sex with someone, it moves to that person.
How I Came Into It: I'm always looking for a good horror movie. I heard about it earlier this year when it got a surprise release to theaters. It was originally supposed to be a VOD release and got enough of a response to get pushed to theaters. I missed my chance to see it then, so I was saving this for a movie marathon at some point. I made sure to look up as little as possible beforehand about it so it could be completely fresh.

Why I Saw It: I'm baffled by how simple the movie is. That simplicity is what makes it so effective. It never stops chasing you. You can easily outrun it, but you're never safe. That makes this a very uneasy movie, one that's more concerned with the chase than getting answers. Too many answers tend to ruin a horror movie. The beginning of the movie is when it's the strongest. When Hugh/Jeff chloroforms Jay, you think it's going to be a much different kind of movie. That reveal is disorienting and confusing. Then there's the moments when Jay first realizes what is happening both at the school and her house. It doesn't get more tense than that. I didn't recognize anyone in the cast. They were pretty good though, especially Maika Monroe at the center. I loved the decision to have her friends on board without too much convincing. It's better to make this about the chase than people thinking that she's crazy. Making It take up physical space certainly helped to convince them.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I got the feeling that writer/director David Robert Mitchell didn't know what to do with the idea once he had it. While the early parts are very effective, the movie has trouble finding a way to escalate the story. It ends up relying on some lazier moves like the first guy Jay sleeps with being stupidly causal about this confirmed threat or that hopelessly foolish plan with the pool. Nothing about this tanked the movie for me. It's more like it held it back a gear. I still quite loved this.

Verdict (?): Strongly Recommend

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