Friday, February 7, 2014

Delayed Reaction: The Shadow

The Pitch: Something about Alec Baldwin playing a Jedi Batman.

What Took Me So Long: Alec Baldwin in a leading role has never been a draw for me.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Few reasons come to mind. This is one hell of a relic of a superhero movie (if you want to call it that). I can't think of a movie that it's even similar to. Maybe The Spirit but with less style.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: From the first moment to the end I had no idea what was going on. Apparently, Alec Baldwin pulls a Last Samurai and is some sort of Asian warlord and he has (gets) telekinetic powers. So, he gets he ass handed to him, then becomes a hero when he goes back to New York. Given his mind control powers, I don't know why he bothers concealing his identity. Anyways, it figures the woman he falls in love with can also read minds. I don't think they ever explained why she could, or maybe I didn't care enough to remember. Well, Baldwin ends up fighting some Mongolian descendant of Gengis Khan because, I'm guessing this was one of the three things whoever came up with the story knew about Asia, which made it seem fitting. Baldwin wins despite Tim Curry getting in the way. Baldwin and the mom from Kindergarten Cop live happily ever after...I think. This was such a mess. How much of this did the producers think people would already know about? Is The Shadow one of those characters that everyone knows about, like Superman, so they can wink at the camera all they want? Or is it more like Tintin: super popular somewhere that isn't where I am? I guessing it's more along the lines of the Lone Ranger (bad company to keep these days): a character people much older than I know who has fallen out of the cultural consciousness. Whatever it is, it translated into a bad movie.

Verdict (?): Strongly Don't Recommend

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