Monday, February 10, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Midnight Cowboy

The Pitch: A wannabe gigolo and his gimp buddy try to survive in New York.

What Took Me So Long: I'm not a huge Jon Voight fan and I always forget it has Dustin Hoffman.

Why I Saw It: There's this group of classic movies (most from the "New Hollywood" era) that, as much as I want to, I don't get. That's how I feel about The Graduate. It's how I feel about One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest. More than any, it's how I feel about this. I'd love if someone could explain what is so great about this. I want to understand. It's an interesting look at New York in the late 60s and Joe's flashbacks are a nice touch. The acting is fine. The story is, let's call it free-form, which has a charm but I don't see where it was trying to go. Most of all, I'm not sure that I cared about Joe and Rizzo's friendship anywhere near as much as I was supposed to by the end.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: No matter what I think, it is a classic, so there's value in seeing it. There's certainly a list of classics I'd rather have gotten to first though.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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