Sunday, February 23, 2014

DVR Purge: 2/14-2/22

It's been nice folks. The Olympics have given me some free time. I had a chance to binge House of Cards and Scandal as well as work down my Netflix queue. I even got to spend some time not watching TV or movies (It was awful. I don't recommend it for anyone). It's time to clear out the little bit that was new over the last week.

Past Purges

The Walking Dead "Inmates"
There's the rest of the cast. I was curious after last week what the approach for everyone else would be. I doubted each group would get an entire episode. That would take the rest of the season and would get stale pretty quickly. Besides, in an ensemble you don't want to isolate the cast for too long (I'm looking at you Season 3 of LOST). I always enjoy when a show shakes things up by pairing characters up in new ways. Since the episode was broken up, I should probably do that as well.

Darryl and Beth. I imagine this one was concocted completely for the difference in personalities. Darryl keeps very quiet. He started coming out of his shell by last season. With Carol [supposedly] gone and the comfort of the prison gone, he's retreated back to lone wolf survival mode. Beth has yet to get a fully realized character. She's the hopeful, hardened one (which is how I'd  describe half the characters at this point). There's is probably the least interesting group at this moment.

Tyreese, Carol, and the Girls. Had they brought Carol back with any other group, I'd call it a cop out after she got her spotlight and goodbye earlier in the year. Since there's the tension between her and Tyreese (even if he doesn't realize it yet), I accept it a little more readily. Since I never for an instant believed Judith was dead, seeing Tyreese holding her wasn't a surprise beyond not knowing who had her. With all the non-Carl children in this group and a crying baby, they are certainly the most interesting group at the moment.

Maggie, Sasha, and Bob. They meant for this to have a punchline, right? When Bob says "They were good people, all of them", that has to be a joke. I imagine the writers came up with the scene, then remembered that all the people on the bus were people they knew from the prison. Since they weren't central cast members, of course, we never got any time with them. It was sort of an unavoidable problem, but I'd've taken a moment of silence over that silly throw-away line.

Glenn and Tara. This story confused me the most, primarily because I have no idea how Glenn got there. I'm better off forgetting most of the things from the end of the first past of this season, so I'm kind of just accepting that he got there. He also might be a little too good at making a Molotov cocktail. Again, I've learned to accept that all the characters have an astounding learning curve when is comes to doing badass things like making explosives, having perfect aim, and never having to reload a shotgun. Tara had a little too much clarity about the events that had just transpired. I'd rather some silent discomfort over monologing about how wrong they were to attack the prison group. Whatever. It was good enough for a passing grade.

Cougar Town "Time to Move On"
I can't remember the last time we had a story with Grayson and Andy without Bobby. That was different. As for Ellie, I'm officially tired of 1) stories about getting into exclusive preschools and 2) using being gay as a way to get in. It was fun seeing Laurie making Ellie squirm though.

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