Saturday, January 4, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Spy Kids 3-D

The Pitch: Spy's the third movie. What's an easy gimmick? Oh, 3-D.
I feel like this is the most appropriate poster for this

What Took Me So Long: Well, I still haven't seen the first which is supposedly the only one that's worth a damn, but I went ahead and saw the second already, so I ran out of excuses to not see this one when I saw it on.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Um, I've got nothing.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: This movies looks awful. This is the laziest 3-D I've ever seen and the video game world is shot about as well as Nick Arcade. For a franchise with the proven earning power of Spy Kids I am befuddled by how few fucks anyone gave with the production design. I barely even noticed atrocious acting and even worse story. This is a god-awful movie, even for a kid's movie. I have nothing but bad things to say about it. On a semi-related note. I just saw Machete Kills and experienced that momentary discomfort of seeing a child actor all grown up (in this case Alexa Vega) and being attracted despite still thinking of them as a child in your head...god that was confusing. How about this: it's like the reverse of seeing Drew Barrymore in E.T. and thinking "she's hot" meaning, her as she is now. Whatever. Machete Kills is better than Spy Kids 3 on every level and that's saying something.

Verdict (?): Strongly Don't Recommend

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