Monday, November 16, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Tequila Sunrise

What I Guessed It Was About: Cocktail with Mel Gibson and Kurt Russell? No. This title gives an indication of nothing.
How I Came Into It: It was odd the level at which I didn't know about this movie. It was written by Robert Towne who also did Chinatown and The Firm. It had Mel Gibson, Kurt Russell, and Michelle Pfeiffer in the relative intersecting peaks of their careers. I should've known about this movie before it arrived in my mail from Netflix.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Gibson, Russell, and Pfeiffer are very watchable. Gibson and Russell's friendship in particular is enjoyable. They are clearly working from different sides, but when they are opposing one another, it's as old chums. I was never worried that they'd turn on each other, even if they weren't working together. I liked that dynamic.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I watched this while I was in the middle of True Detective season 2. I'm not sure which was hurt by the other. Neither came away looking great. I didn't really follow the plot of Tequila Sunrise. I got the sense that I wasn't meant to be focused on the plot. I was supposed to be enjoying the characters, the setting, and the interplay between them. That didn't happen though, so I kept coming back to the plot. I didn't care about the plot. You're starting to see the issue now.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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