Sunday, October 6, 2013

Delayed Reaction: Daylight

The Pitch: A movie about escaping after a cave implodes, but we want it better lit and more logically structured, so how about a car tunnel instead?
What Took Me So Long: I thought it was a drama about street traffic, and after being fooled by the movie Traffic, I was not eager to dip back in to the sub-sub-genre.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Sylvester Stallone is a vintage action hero. In 96' he was still barely in the range of not being ridiculously old for this sort of movie. I was surprised how many people in the group didn't make it out of the tunnel. Given that it was a mid 90s movie and in a toned down cousin of the action movie, I assumed it would be one where the core group is formed, then maybe one guy dies. Quite the opposite. I never expected Viggo Mortensen, even pre-Aaragorn to be picked off so early on. Most importantly, the dog survives.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I could've done without the scenes with the fans. That was over the top. This is one of those movies that had almost too much maneuvering to get to the pitch. They wanted people to be trapped in a tunnel, but they had to come up with a lot of excuses for them to not be able to get out easily.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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