Thursday, October 10, 2013

Delayed Reaction: Cousins

The Pitch: Let's find a way to wordplay our way into doing a movie about kissing cousins.
What Took Me So Long: Kissing cousins is not a hook for me (no offense to any of my cousins), and that is exactly what I thought this movie was based on the Netflix blip.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) I like Ted Danson as a Hollywood leading man. He really mastered the whole TV and Movies thing like Steve Carrell did a couple years ago, and he more or less dropped off for a while. I wouldn't say qualitatively that this is one of the ones that brought him back down, but popularity-wise, it certainly didn't help. Basically, it's just a movie about the victims of an affair bonding and finding love (I think. I forget the ending and it's only been a couple days since I say this).

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I think the premise was more interesting than the movie ended up being. I like the blooming friendship of the two cuckolds and ultimately would've been more interesting if it wasn't a story about romantic love between the leads. Perhaps I'm a cynic that way.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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