Wednesday, October 9, 2013

DVR Purge: 10/2-10/8

We're a few weeks into the TV season and a couple things are becoming apparent 1) I'm kidding myself if I think I'll be doing multiple of these each week, and, more importantly 2) I'm settling into which shows I will and won't be continuing with. I've picked up a lot of shows but without the FXX load and dropping Showtime (because I'm cheap) this is all feeling pretty manageable). Knowing myself, this feeling won't last long. For now, I'm liking it.

Past Purges

The Middle "Change in the Air"
That was a sweet episode for Frankie and Mike. One episode in, they are handling Axl's absence right. The trick is always about how this will play over the season though. I keep hoping they don't go the Modern Family route of getting Axl kicked out. Having Brick be the actual family contact for Axl was a nice twist on things too. This show gets how to do a traditional family comedy right.

Back in the Game "Stay in or Bail Out"
If ever there was proof that a good lead is all you need to make a show work, see Maggie Lawson's work in this. James Caan is nice and the kid, whose name I'll eventually learn is one of the better child actors in a comedy (so far). I even like the d-bag who isn't quite a love interest. But, this show works because of Lawson who I am so happy has a starring vehicle. With any luck, this will stick around for at least the season. This hasn't been a volatile timeslot the past few seasons.

Modern Family "Larry's Wife"
Three episodes in and the season is looking strong so far. The Manny and Jay story was a little out of nowhere and everything with the baby was cartoonish. Neither horrible though. Cam and Mitchell's stories were the most colorful, as always, but not in the lazy ways they normally are. The Dunphys carried this for me, unsurprisingly. Phil and Claire would've bother the hell out of me if not for the ending when Claire reminds him that she is working with him, not against. Then, the poker game with the kids was great. Luke continues to be my favorite character in the show, even when he's working with trash minutes. The speed of almost everything with Haley, Alex, and him was impressive. I wish there was an "Under 18" field in the Emmys (and yes, I'm very aware that Haley and the actress are well over 18).

Super Fun Night "Anything for Love"
I have no desire to ever watch this show again, which is a shame. First of all, don't have Rebel Wilson do an American accent. It's not a good one and it's like she is putting so much effort into that that it's throwing off all her timing. Second, I have no interest in seeing her play the straight women (comically) who bad things happen to. She should drive the funny, not let it happen to her. Despite wanting success for Wilson and for Liza Lapira to finally join a show that works, I can't watch this again. (Note: If I hear from people that this improves, I'll be happy to give it another chance)

The Bridge "The Crazy Place"
DVR didn't mess up, but cable went out. Still haven't gotten around to finding it online somewhere yet.

Parks and Recreation "The Pawnee-Eagleton Tip Off Classic"
I feel like I need one of those zappers that goes off whenever I start to doubt P&R because it is too consistent. I laughed heartily throughout the episode, especially at Ron's reaction to things like Vine and the Chris Bosh cameo. I can certainly find stronger episodes of P&R out there, but as with 30 Rock a few seasons back, I've been spoiled by the fact that it's so good. At the moment, it is tough because, in my mind, it is without peers. I'd say this week's episode is my favorite comedy episode of the week, but since it may not be a P&R 10 out of 10 due to so story rehashing and following a great episode, I'm feel down on it. See, I need to be zapped. I'm starting to be that whiny fan.

The Big Bang Theory "The Scavenger Vortex"

I love love love uncommon pairings. Most shows rotate the cast stories a lot (try and think of a paring that would shock you in a P&R b-story), but more traditional shows like Big Bang tend to stick to gender divides or couples so this episode feels completely fresh. I think part of it is because Raj can be in scenes more freely now. So nice.

The Crazy Ones "The Spectacular"
I'm really digging this show. Sure, Robin Williams is barely doing a character but I don't care. Sarah Michelle Gellar would definitely be better served by being allowed to drive scenes a little more. That can still be adjusted though. I got countless laughs from basically everything involving Zach and Andrew (He really does look better in the jacket).

Sean Saves the World "Pilot"
I don't think I've ever seen a show to work so hard to fit ALL of its exposition in before the opening credits. It didn't just tell you everything about Sean's new boss and that he's a gay man who just started raising his daughter after the mother moved away. It repeated everything numerous times. I have no idea what later episodes of this will look like because I can't imagine this much repeating of things in every episode. Actually, I do have an idea of what later episodes will look like and I'm not on board. Have fun, people who enjoyed this more than I did.

The Michael J Fox Show "Art"
The show is already starting to take form. This is the first one in which I felt like I was watching "Michael J Fox, TV star" rather than "Michael J Fox, remember, he has Parkinson's" and that was nice. Betsy Brandt is good in this. I tend to forget she can do comedy after watching her on Breaking Bad for so long. The kids are still there primarily to give the parents something to do. The sister is completely disposable right now. I get the feeling that if any of the kids prove more able to handle more screen time, she will disappear. While I like Wendell Pierce being around, I do think it is a smart move to not focus too much time at the news studio.

Parenthood "All Aboard Who's Coming Aboard"
I know I'm always supposed to side with a Braverman but I am totally on the restaurant patron's side, not Crosby and Jasmine's. I don't have a kid, so I'm going to side with people who like quiet more. I'm not really concern with if that makes me inconsiderate. A lot of setting things into motion here between Amber's wedding, Zeek and Camille moving, Kristina announcing her candidacy, etc. I can't wait to see where these go.

SNL "Miley Cyrus"
I spent entirely too much time talking about last week's episode, so I'll try to be brief this time. It was an OK episode. I love Mornin' Miami and the digital short toward the end. Strong is settling into Weekend Update quite nicely. Miley Cyrus did an ok job hosting. She had a couple sketches like the opening one in which I was impressed by her level of preparation (ex. what she says when she wakes up every morning). I'm approving of the new featured players collectively. Individually, I can't tell any of those white guys apart [yet].

How I Met Your Mother "The Broken Code"
Come on! I thought the whole point of this final season was so that they could tell some before and after stories with the wedding as a framing device. The episodes haven't been bad. In fact, I've liked them more than the past few seasons, but I hate this Mother tease.

SHIELD "The Asset"
Yay! No baseball-related DSR delays this week. I want to be honest here. SHIELD is not my kind of show. It's both procedural and quasi-sci-fi. If you look at my show selection and history, I'm not drawn to that kind of thing. That's not a judgment. That's just me saying I won't be geeking out while watching this and I'm probably going to grade it on a curve. The team is coming together nicely. The effects aren't distracting which was one of my biggest worries going in. The dynamics of the team are getting established quickly and effectively, which I like. I still have a lot of questions about if this can ever be a show that will elevate itself (the fetters put on it by Disney, ABC, and most importantly, Marvel will probably always hold it down some). It looks like we are getting a recurring villain this week and I'm excited to see what is done with that.

Brooklyn Nine Nine "M.E. Time"
Good, they kept Peralta and Holt away from each other this week. It is clear that the writers are worried about calibrating Peralta because the way his is in the pilot is not sustainable. It's clear here that he can't help himself but he is aware he needs to improve, in this case, by being a better secondary. I love the payoff of the gag about not being about to read Capt. Holt with him exploding at Scully. I'm liking Santiago which surprises me. I assumed she would be nothing but the foil for Peralta in the pilot but they seem determine to make her more than that. Also worth noting, Det. Riaz is being fleshed out more than I expected.

New Girl "The Captain"
I must say, I did not see that turn away from insanity for Winston coming. I would've found the cat pimping annoying had he not come to the realization at the end. It made everything in hindsight funnier. Also, while I'm not a fan of the manipulation by Schmitdt (seriously, why did both of them listen to him after he said he was trying to break them up?), all of the fallout from The Captain was A+ material.

The Mindy Project "Music Festival"

I missed Adam Pally's introduction last week. If this week is any indication though, there's some tweaking to be done on his character. I'm glad they are having Mindy actually deal with her breakup. With how much the show tends to change tonally, week to week, I worried there would be little mention of this.

Trophy Wife "The Social Network"
I really hope this show gets a full season. I was happy to see Natalie Morales return. While I hate the "parents snooping on teenager" story, this episode found enough great twists on it that I kind of liked it. Pete's updating her status is the kind of "older people just don't understand technology" farce that I could do without. Otherwise, I loved how the party is the lamest thing imaginable and everything about Diane creating a fake "facebook" account, including the tag at the end, was funny.

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