Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Underworld

What I Guessed It Was About: Kate Beckinsale is a vampire. She fights werewolfs, because of course she's going to fight werewolves. They never get along in anything for some reason*. Eventually, she wins [the war/battle/skirmish, I guess], but not wins so effectively that there's no room for a sequel.

*Scratch that. They were on good terms in Hotel Transylvania. That came a decade later though, so I don't think it counts.
How I Came Into It: I've always thought of Underworld as "those movies where Kate Beckinsale is a sexy, badass vampire". That's all I really needed.

Why I Saw It: This has a cool look to it. It's different enough from something like Blade without being unrecognizable to the genre. I most appreciated that it was played in earnest the whole time. There's no winking at the camera. This is a serious world with a serious war between the vampires and lychans. That's getting harder to find these days.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I didn't care about the story. Vampires and lychans bore me. The characters weren't particularly engaging, despite being played by people like Michael Sheen and Bill Nighy who are normally overflowing with charisma. I can easily believe that this is one of those movies that needs to be seen on a big screen, in a theater, or as part of some other immersive experience to fully appreciate.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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