Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Delayed Reaction: The Lost Boys

The Pitch: Cool vampires in the 80s.
How I Came Into It: It has the Coreys who I've always found to be an amusing pop culture footnote. Haim is a great straight man and Feldman is a great character. Mixing them in with a bunch of hip actors is a formula that's fun to revisit.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Vampires are cool. They just are. You can look to any generation and see how they handle vampires, especially contemporary ones, and that's what a society sees as cool at the time. That makes The Lost Boys an instant time capsule. It's quaint now, but informative. Otherwise, this is a pretty simple movie. It leans hard on the waking nightmare aesthetic and still manages to be accessibly fun for younger audiences.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I wouldn't say this has aged very well. Beyond the "time capsule" aspects that I mentioned with the fashion, a lot of the creepier elements of the story are things that are familiar to audiences now. It's always hard to recapture the context of when a movie was released, especially when I wasn't old enough to experience it at the time, so it's really hard to look at this as anything other than "that cheesy 80's vampire movie with the mom from Still Standing".

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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