Friday, February 13, 2015

Delayed Reaction: Fun With Dick and Jane

The Pitch: Remember that 70's movie, Fun With Dick and Jane? I wonder if we could give it an Enron twist?

How I Came Into It: I knew the movie was one of those family movies that was strongly motivated by a political agenda, so that didn't exactly excite me. It never looked all that funny either.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Few people can be as silly as Jim Carrey. His energy and rubberman face mechanics are unmatched. Having Judd Apatow and Nicholas Stoller as the writers is as sure a way to get my attention as any.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I have trouble with a comedy that tries to make a political statement but also tells you not to take it seriously because it's a comedy. It doesn't help that, as protagonists, it's almost impossible to root for Dick and Jane. They are robbing places, after all. Surprisingly, given who scripted this, almost none of the jokes land and the story is lazily told. I won't pretend that anything other than how smugly political it is made me really dislike this.

Verdict (?): Strongly Don't Recommend

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