Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Delayed Reaction: No Way Out

The Pitch: A naval story of intrigue, spies, computers, and least of all water.

What Took Me So Long: I'm good believing that this sort of movie didn't exist until A Few Good Men.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) As it is, this type of movie existed long before A Few Good Men. The more I reflect on this movie, the more I like it. It's a romance at first and turns into a cat and mouse game. For a military movie, there's very few explosions. For a navy movie, there's very few boats. It's mostly office politicking with an added shade of Russian spies. I can definitely say that I never saw the ending coming. The accusation that Costner's character is a spy is so clearly a setup, then it turns out that he actually is! That was well done. By the way, apparently, Brad Pitt is in this somewhere. I certainly don't remember seeing him.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: Computer technology ages so poorly. The amount of time spent reading through printed spreadsheets is laughable even if it is accurate. Um, other than that, it was a surprisingly not bad movie. Without the ending it would be utterly unremarkable.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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