Saturday, March 8, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Grand Canyon

The Pitch: What if, like, everyone was all connected, like we're all in this world together? Wouldn't that be something.

What Took Me So Long: Whenever a bunch of stars come together for a movie that I can't totally describe, I get worried.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) It has a lot of good actors in it. It plays out a lot like Pay It Forward except we know how everyone is connected before the end. 

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I have to imagine the billboards for this movie said things like "It will change your life" or "A marvel of the human experience" because it plays like one big inspirational novel. I can't say I hated it while I watched it. In fact, it is very easy to watch. It's just as easy to forget too, which is a problem. Watching how the domino's fall throughout eveyone's lives doesn't play as clever like Love, Actually. Instead, it just sort of builds until...they all go to the Grand Canyon. Kevin Kline, Danny Glover, and company are solid in this and you can tell the producers wanted something transcendent to happen but it never comes close to that. My harshness probably doesn't reflect how little I found to hate about the movie.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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