Sunday, December 29, 2013

Delayed Reaction: Frances Ha

The Pitch: you get it's like Girls...No. No 'but'. That was a full thought.

What Took Me So Long: This is going to make me sound bad, but black and white made it sound like it would be a little high minded for what I was in the mood for most of the time.

Why I Saw It: Still, it is a movie that everyone I know who saw it liked a lot. Greta Gerwig is one of those actresses I really like somehow even though I've seen her in nothing that I can remember. She does a great job being a complete train-wreck for most of the movie.I like how so much of the movie is filled with pointless conversations because they come off as very genuine. Mostly, I loved the ending. I struggle liking movies with characters who never help themselves, even if that's the point.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I was all prepared to give the black and white my seal of disapproval because I'm a philistine, but as I watched it, I completely forgot that I was even watching something without color. What's that? Story matters most. Yeah, I get that. I'm stupid. The other thing I was ready to attack: it's Girls as a movie. That one I wasn't as wrong about. It's pretty similar. The voice of the writers and directors are different enough that I didn't care, but topically, it's pretty damn similar. At some point I will fatigue of shows about listless 20-somethings living bohemian lives in New York. I'm yet to reach that point.

Verdict (?): Strongly Recommend

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