Sunday, July 21, 2013

Movie Reaction: The Conjuring

Formula: Poltergeist + The Exorcist

Why I Saw It: The reviews I read were great, Turbo looked awful, and Red didn't impress me enough to want to see the sequel.

Cast: Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson as the Warrens make a good team. They really feel like characters I've seen in several movies before. I could easily see this being a franchise and it would feel natural. Ron Livingston and Lili Taylor are really good frightened parents and most of the five daughters got at least a moment or two to distinguish themselves.

Plot: It's not like anyone is going to go and reinvent the horror movie. The most impressive thing I can say about the story is that it very effectively mixes virtually ever horror conversion in a blender. It's all there: witches, creepy kids, exorcisms, creepy dolls, dark corners, curses,and more. The movie is manages to reference skepticism without being obsesses with it which is nice. Basically, it's understood that creepy stuff can happen and it is legitimately happening to this family, then spends the rest of the time following the Warrens fight and try to survive it. By the end, it is playing out much like the end of Dracula.

Elephant in the Room: Is this really based on a true story? I mean, yeah, but I wouldn't get too caught up about it. It's a period piece, so you accept that it's happening in the 70s and the movie ends with pictures of the actual people, but like The Amityville Horror, I wouldn't worry too much about the details of what is and isn't true.

To Sum Things Up:
I'd wager this is the best horror movie of the year so far (in wide release). Then again, I haven't seen them all and the one's I have seen, haven't turned out so well. It definitely packs the scares, and like most movies in the genre, by the end, it's more of an action movie than a horror one, so you don't leave the theater too much on edge.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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