Sunday, December 21, 2014

Delayed Reaction: A Walk in the Clouds

The Pitch: How else can we work around Keanu Reeve's stoic lack of range? How about a soldier with PTSD?

What Took Me So Long: Mid-90s period pieces are in such abundance that I don't know how anyone keeps track of what they have and haven't seen.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) ...Aitana Sanchez-Gijon is nice...the pacing is, relaxed...Hey, is that Debra Messing?

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I'll admit, I've never been quite on board with how much people give Keanu Reeves crap. He's not a masterful thespian, but he's ok and more importantly, normally chooses roles well for what he can do. This is the first time I was distinctly aware of what people pile on about. He cannot play this role. He tries hard, but there's no chemistry with Aitana Sanchez-Gijon and he is so uncomfortable when he has war flashbacks. I'm kind of bewildered that the movie did this well. The only thing working in its favor is that it's bad in a painless way. Forgettable and ignorable. I had it on in the background more than I actually watched it.

Verdict (?):Weakly Don't Recommend

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