Monday, December 29, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Video Games: The Movie

The Pitch: Let's make a propaganda piece in favor of video games.
How I Came Into It: I assumed this was a documentary about video games and I was curious what the angle was (pure history lesson, focusing on the advances in the technology, the community aspects, etc.).

Why I Saw It: This manages to cover a pretty wide spectrum of topics related to video games. It goes through a linear timeline of the consoles, looks into the rise of PC gaming, evangelizes about the communal nature of games, of course detours into defending the violent part of games. As a survey of video games as a whole, this does a great job.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I'm fairly familiar with video games as it is, so not a lot of this was new to me. I'd've liked something that went into more detail about one thing than broadly reviewing many. That's not the movie they sought to make though and is sometimes the danger of making documentaries.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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