Sunday, June 1, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Top Gun

The Pitch: I want to film planes moving really fast. Write some sort of movie to allow a lot of that.

What Took Me So Long: I know the whole plot. At different points, I've probably seen every scene before, only disjointed. So, I considered this one that I'd seen before but finally, I reconsidered.

Why I Saw It: It's one of the biggest movies of the 80s and certainly one that holds up better than it should. Tom Cruise was a "movie star" before this, right? Well, he definitely is in this one. I could see every beat of this hero's journey story coming and it didn't matter because the cast is cool (for their time), the planes are fast, and the action is loud. I'm pretty sure this would still hold up as an IMAX experience. Now I'm thinking about "Danger Zone" in Dolby surround sound.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: Ok, it's a little dated from the style to the soundtrack. That's supposed to happen though. It's probably the best distillation of 1986 into a movie (I assume, because I wasn't alive then. I'm alright pretending that I know firsthand if you are).

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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