Saturday, May 31, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Commando

The Pitch: Arnold Schwarzenegger is strong. Let's do something with that.

What Took Me So Long: I've only been getting into the 80s action movies as a result of The Expendables, god help me.

Why I Saw It: The plot is in the title. I appreciate that. I don't think any movie has been such a blatant showcase for how strong Arnold is, or rather, was. It is over the top, beginning to end and unapologetically so. Rae Dawn Chong is a great audience for everything Arnold is doing and it's fun seeing a young Alyssa Milano*. Best of all, it's a part that makes it easy to ignore Arnold's limited range as an actor. Then again, couldn't that be said about his entire career.

Sindenote: It reminds you how long she's been around. It's amazing she turned out as normal as she didnt...Oh yeah, there was this phase. Still, normal now.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I did get numb to all the carnage by the end. I mean, when he storms the compound at the end. Good god! Did this movie single-handedly solidify the joke about all bad guys in the 80s not being able to hit anything they are shooting at? If not, I'd like to see the movie that did.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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