Saturday, May 31, 2014

Delayed Reaction: A Night in Casablanca

The Pitch: The Marx brothers do their thing. This time, let's reference another super popular movie.

What Took Me So Long: When you've seen one Marx brothers movie, you've seen them all to some degree.

Why I Saw It: You can't get away with movies like this anymore (see The Three Stooges for proof). I don't think anyone has the showmanship to pull off what the Marx brother collectively do. Vaudeville isn't around anymore. The story as a whole doesn't have a lot to it, but it's all about the individual gags and scenes. The sword fight, for instance: ridiculous, but fun. Best of all, it's under 90 minutes.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: The downside to the Marx brothers movies being so similar is, of course, if you aren't through the moon about one, you won't be about another either, which is where I am. It's fine, but obviously dated and from a generation of humor that I'm not so much for.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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