Friday, October 17, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Meet the Robinsons

The Pitch: An orphan with a penchant for inventing travels to the future and meets the perfect family: his own. 

What Took Me So Long: This is one people have been telling me for years is a hidden gem (as much as any Disney movie that makes $97 million in the box office can be hidden).

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Disney knows how to tug at the heartstrings. It's a simple enough formula (Orphan + Family / Time) and they know how to use it. Anyone can figure out almost immediately that the Robinsons are Lewis' family from the future (in fact, as soon as I heard Laurie Metcalfe's voice, I assumed about 2/3s of the plot). That doesn't ruin anything though. You can't ruin beats like the Robinsons being happy to adopt Lewis or Lewis opting to not see his mom. It's a movie with a lot of heart. A good sense of humor too.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I thought it was a little stupid that the villain was a hat. I guess it would've been nice to not predict so much of the plot. That's all pretty nit-picky though. This is a delightful movie from that period in Disney Animation that I normally forget about.

Verdict (?): Strongly Recommend

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