Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Backdraft

The Pitch: Cops get all the attention. Where's the great Firefighter action movie? Someone get me a Baldwin!

What Took Me So Long: I tend to forget that Ron Howard has a long list of movies he's directed.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) For being such a ubiquitous service, firefighting is such a specific thing and not covered anywhere near as much as its cousins, medical care and policing. In fact, the last movie I saw about firefighters was Quarantine and fires weren't exactly the stars of that. The firefighting scenes are shot in an exciting way and Robert De Niro's fire investigator makes that job look as interesting as it ever will.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: I'm not a fan of any time that the antagonist's motivations are related to budget cuts in his department. There's something so bureaucratic about it that sucks the fun out of the movie. It stars my third favorite Baldwin, so that's a bummer. Howard goes for every melodramatic beat he can find in the firefighting scenes, which gets a little tedious. There's a reason this movie did well but didn't set the box office ablaze. (I'm sorry, I had to say it)

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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