Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Delayed Reaction: Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol

The Pitch: We're going to make another one of these and this time, it's going to have exact same premise as the original.
How I Came Into It: This is the only movie on my list from this series. For a while, the plan was to watch all of the movies in order to keep a sense of continuity. Then I saw the first and decided it was better to treat this like the Dirty Harry movies, seeing the first for an introduction and skipping to the one that was actually on the list. I didn't expect to lose anything.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) According to Wikipedia, Tony Hawk was David Spade's stunt double for the skateboarding scenes. That got me thinking about what it would take to confuse those two on the street. They aren't dissimilar looking. Spade is aggressively average height and Hawk is well over 6 feet tall. I don't know. I needed some thought to distract me.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: Apparently, this has a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes, and, while I know that's not completely reliable coming from pre-internet days (much like how Shoot to Kill has a perfect 100%), I think that each percent was earned in this case. It was pretty funny how completely disinterested Steve Guttenberg was. I feel like every single returning cast member was there because they knew it was too easy a paycheck to miss out on. I was physically uncomfortable by how twitchy Bobcat Goldthwait was.

Verdict (?): Strongly Don't Recommend

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