Saturday, May 14, 2016

Delayed Reaction: Sliver

The Pitch: Let's see just how naked we can get Sharon Stone.
How I Came Into It: It bothers me just how forgettable I find Sharon Stone. I can never remember what she looks like. It's like very limited face blindness. Without the credits telling me it was her, I would've spent the entire movie asking myself "Who is that? I should be able to recognize her." Then, if someone would suggest it was Sharon Stone, I'd be like, "No, that's not right."

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) I mean, the nakedness is the only redeeming quality of this. I saw the unrated version of this rather than the R-rated version, so I guess I got everything I needed to out of it.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: This may have been a little too ahead of its time with all the commentary on surveillance and living your life in front of a screen. Also, it's not very good. You can choose which part to focus on. After watching it, I found out that this went through massive rewrites. It shows. It's disjointed from beginning to end and not all that fun to watch, which it really should be.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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