Sunday, April 6, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Predator

The Pitch: It's like Commando with aliens!

What Took Me So Long: I surprised myself when I realized I'd never seen the original. Not sure how I missed it.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) Well, the Predator has weirdly outlived everything else about the movie. One wonders if it didn't look so cool, would we really have ever seen Alien vs. Predator: Requiem? All things considered, this is a very basic survival movie. It's full of all the tropes one expects in this sort of movie. It rests on its merits and doesn't aspire any higher and I appreciate that.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: A lot of Governors in this. While the action was good, the story is not very compelling. Not that I was expecting it would be, but the acting is pretty dicey too. I'm not kidding about this series bombing if the Predator didn't look as cool as it did. There's not a lot here without a good monster to fight.

Verdict (?): Weakly Recommend

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