Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Delayed Reaction: Crocodile Dundee 2

The Pitch: Remember how much money Crocodile Dundee made? Let's do that again.

What Took Me So Long: I finally saw the original, then saw this about a week later. When you look at it like that, I didn't wait all that long.

Why I Saw It: (Club 50) The first one is charming and this offers a fun evolution of the story. Of course, we get the commonest of fish out of water tropes in this: A sequel about returning. So, the first movie is Dundee starting in Australia and ending up in New York. Naturally, this is about his return to Australia. It's not as interesting, but it's the most logical way to go.

Why I Wish I Hadn't: There's nothing as memorable as many of the scenes in the original. As is the problem with most comedy sequels, the jokes are already played out. There's nothing in this as memorable as many in the first. It's great sin in laziness, not being bad. Thankfully, this one was mediocre enough that we didn't have to worry about another one of these movies being made...oh, wait.

Verdict (?): Weakly Don't Recommend

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