Friday, December 6, 2019

Quick Reaction: The Nun

I have mixed feelings about the Conjuring extended universe. I think the premise invites spinoffs like The Nun very naturally, but I haven't seen anything from these spinoffs that I really cared for. I made exactly two notes while watching this movie. The first sums it up pretty well I think.
This movie isn't scary as much as it's occasionally loud.
I'm not a jump scare kind of person. They tend to be more of an achievement in editing and sound than suspense or storytelling. The Nun just gets occasionally loud and throws in a bunch of Catholic imagery. It's effective enough, but not what I prefer watching. Otherwise, the story was like sand through my fingers. I don't recall a thing about it.
Oh, and the other note I made:
Taissa Farmiga is reminding me a lot of Zoe Kazan.
Is that just me?

Verdict: Weekly Don't Recommend

Follow Up: It's not just me. I googled Taissa Farmiga and "Taissa Farmiga Zoe Kazan" was the first suggested search.

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