Saturday, December 21, 2019

Quick Reaction: Bad Timing

I'm going to assume you haven't heard of this movie and clicked on this link by mistake. Anyway, it's a movie from 1980 starring Art Garfunkel and Theresa Russell. It follows their toxic relationship that ends in her overdosing. They start with her OD and flashback through the rest of the story. Eventually, the movie reveals that the relationship took a twisted turn that involves Garfunkel getting really creepy. This movie reminded me a lot of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, only without the crazy science and the Joel character is somehow even less well-adjusted. The movie doesn't exactly build to a twist, There needs to be a softer word than "twist". But, seeing where it's all going by the end is the fun of the movie. I'm not sure I needed to see this movie, but it was a nice enough distraction.

Verdict: Weakly Recommend

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